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LSU – Post Dig

During the LSU vs Texas game this weekend, LSU ran a simple Post/Dig pattern that was well executed for a touchdown. This is a simple play anyone can install with a very simple read off the safety. If the safety jumps the dig, QB throws the post. If the safety stays high, the QB throws the dig.


Just Play Diagram – LSU Post Dig (Post Read)



Just Play Diagram – LSU Post Dig (Dig Read)

Dig Read


Position Assignment/Notes
QB Key: Safety Hot: X on Drag Progression: 1= Z 2= Y 3= X
RB Quick play fake check protection assignments release to route if protection keys drop into coverage
Z Post
Y Dig – Must get over the top of the LBs to draw Safety
F Corner
X Drag – you are the hot
OL 6 man protection

*Diagram is an original Just Play Content Creation